Allen & Overy is an international legal practice with approximately 4,750 staff, including some 480 partners, working in 39 offices worldwide.
Allen & Overy Luxembourg deals with all types of domestic and cross-border transactions. Our lawyers advise banks, asset managers, private equity houses, insurance and reinsurance companies, blue chip companies and public entities, and we are the chosen legal partner for many organisations with international or European headquarters in Luxembourg.

Company name:
P.O.Box: 5017
Postal code: 1050
City: Luxembourg
Country: Luxembourg

Representative: Mr. Marc Tkatcheff
Associate in charge of Luxembourg Latin American Desk
Phone: +54 (11) 47962077
Fax:      +352 (44) 4455222
Allen & Overy es una firma legal internacioal que cuenta con 4750 empleados, entre los que podemos contar 480 socios, que trabajan en 39 oficinas en el mundo.
Allen & Overy Luxemburgo trata todo tipo de operaciones nacionales y transfronterizas. Nuestros asesores aconsejan a bancos, gestores de fondos, casas de private equity, compañías de seguros y reaseguros, compañías de gran capitalización, compañias públicas; y hemos sido escogidos como socio jurídico por muchas organizaciones internacionales y europeas con su sede central en Luxembugo.